Last updated
Last updated
To engage in group trading users must have a wallet with funds
NOTE: Each group ape will Auto-Burn a % of each buy
User with a funded wallet can one of two buttons under each buy notifications:
Instant Buy
Buy X
Once an instant buy amount is set up clicking the Instant Buy amount will notify the group a user it apeing the coin. After the user has succesfully aped another notification will be sent tagging the user, sending the group's set burn gif and stating the amount of coins that were burnt.
Once buy X is clicked the user will be prompted to enter an amount.
Once the amount is accepted the same flow described above ill occur.
βΈ Soul Systems LLC 2023 - 2024. Patent Pending
User will need to set up an instant buy amount within to utilize this button
After successfully group aping the coin users will get a notification from