
This page contains a variety of terms used in Soul Scanner

  • Age: The duration since the token was launched.

  • Airdrops: Tokens distributed from the deployer to other wallet.

  • ATH (All-Time High): The highest recorded price of the token.

  • Burned: The tokens have been permanently destroyed.

  • Bundle Sniped: The act of deploying a token and simultaneously sniping it. Thereby retaining a significant amount of token supply in team wallets without being shown as airdropped.

  • Dev: The deployer of the token.

  • Dev Sniped: Indicates that the dev of the token engaged in bundle sniping. The % of supply sniped is noted.

  • High/Very High Individual Holder: Indicates that a single address holds a large percentage of the token's supply.

  • High/Very Top Ten Holding: Indicates that the top 10 holders of the token control a significant amount of the token's supply.

  • Holders: The count of unique addresses holding the token.

  • Liq (Liquidity): Information about the liquidity pool for the token.

  • Liquidity Pool (LP) Status: Indicates the state of the token's liquidity pool. "100% Burnt" means all the LP tokens have been destroyed.

  • MC (Market Capitalization ): The total value of all the tokens that are in circulation.

  • Mint Auth (Mint Authorization) : The ability of the deployer to increase the supply of the token.

  • Price Change: The percentage change in the token's price over a specified period.

  • Scans: The number of times a token has been scanned using Soul Scanner.

  • Telegram/Twitter/Website: The official communication channels and website for the token or project.

  • Vol (Trading Volume): The total USD amount of the token traded within a certain time frame.

β’Έ Soul Systems LLC 2023 - 2024

Last updated